Special Educational Needs

SEND stands for Special Educational Needs and Disabilities. It refers to children and young people who need extra support in school due to learning difficulties, disabilities, or specific challenges that affect their ability to learn. These needs can be related to communication, learning, sensory impairments, physical disabilities, emotional or social difficulties, or mental health conditions.

Heathcote School aims to support children with SEND by:

1. Identifying Needs: Early identification is crucial. Heathcote School assess pupils to determine their specific needs and work closely with parents, carers, and external specialists to ensure an accurate understanding of the child’s challenges.

2. Learning Plan: Once needs are identified, schools create learning plans for the pupil, which may include adaptations needed in the classroom, access to additional support and interventions. Where a child requires further support, including regular advice and input from external professionals, an Education, Health and Care Plan, or EHCP may be considered that outlines the specific strategies and resources required to support the student’s learning.

3. Specialist Support: Mrs Verhofstad, our SEND coordinator (SENDCOs, oversees the provision of support for children with SEND. The school may also work with external professionals, such as speech therapists, occupational therapists, or educational psychologists, to provide specialised assistance.

4. Inclusive Education: Heathcote School strives to integrate children with SEND into the classroom environment, promoting inclusion and ensuring they have access to the same opportunities as their peers. Our tailored approach means that each child is considered as an individual and the school works to put plans in place that are best for them. Adjustments may include modified materials, extra support in lessons, or access to special equipment.

5. Collaborative Approach: We regularly engage with parents, teachers, and external agencies to monitor progress and adapt support as needed. Regular reviews ensure that the child’s educational provision is responsive to their evolving needs and gives an opportunity to celebrate their successes!

6. Emotional and Social Support: In addition to academic support, Heathcote School focuses on the child’s overall well-being. We strive to build strong relationships with our pupils and ensure that we have opportunities to hear pupil voice regularly. Where children need more support with their emotions or social development, the school will aim to put additional measures in place. This can include mentoring, Thrive Support, or group work aimed at developing social skills and confidence. Where specialist support is needed, Heathcote explores working with qualified professionals such as counsellors and Family Support on an individual or family basis. 

By fostering a nurturing and adaptive environment, Heathcote strives to ensure that children with SEND can thrive academically, socially, and emotionally.

A shared approach will result in the best progress for your child.
SENDCo: Miss J Verhofstad  01926 290330  verhofstad.j@welearn365.com
SEND Governor Mr James Stacey 01926 290330  stacey.j2@welearn365.com
Headteacher: Mrs Stephanie Rowett 01926 290330 head2056@welearn365.com